World Malayalee Council .
Currently serving as Global Chairman, Advisory Board of World Malayalee Council
The main objective of World Malayalee Council, founded in April 1995 in New Jersey, is to provide a non-political forum to bring together the widely scattered community of people of Malayalee/Kerala origin and strengthen the common bonds of culture, tradition and way of life.
Dr. Issac John was elected unanimously as the Global Chairman of World Malayalee Council at the 8th global biennial convention held in Cologne in May 2012. Although, it was a surprise election as he went to Cologne primarily to receive an award, the election underscored broad recognition for his long years of service to the Diaspora.
The main objective of World Malayalee Council, founded in April 1995 at the first ever World Convention of Non-Resident Malayalees in the USA, is to provide a non-political forum to bring together the widely scattered community of people of Malayalee/Kerala origin and strengthen the common bonds of culture, tradition and way of life.
With the registered Head Quarter in New Jersey and Cologne, and its current administrative headquarters in Dubai, WMC has spread its wings to all the continents namely Africa, America, Europe, Far East & Australia, India and Middle East.
The charter of the organization recognizes the revolutionary transformation taking place at global levels as a result of quantum leaps in technology. WMC works towards an international brotherhood of people of Kerala origin to bolster their cultural, artistic and social uniqueness and give resilience and understanding towards other cultures with which they have to co-exist and interact.
WMC is responsive to the needs of the diverse multi-racial geographical milieu in which Malayalees move about.
This organization with a global network provide opportunities and capabilities for people of all age group to provide leadership and service to the community they live in and to the motherland Kerala/India. WMC gives special emphasis to the development of the new generation of expatriate Malayalees who feel cultural and social alienation in their adopted country.
WMC provides meeting/networking platform for interested Malayalees all over the World to open up new possibilities for their economic, political, social growth and the empowerment of the Diaspora community by addressing issues of the Indian Diaspora and their children in the countries of their adoption
WMC has a three Tier Organisational structure namely Global, Regional and Provincial Councils consisting of Officers for Cabinet, Executive and General Councils.
Global Organization of People of Indian Origin .
Dr. Issac John’s rich journalistic track record and extensive media network had helped him win a new global responsibility in May 2012 when he was nominated as the Chairman of the Global Media Council of the UN-accredited Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) with a view to bring under one roof journalists of Indian origin spread across the globe.
As the Global Ambassador of, GOPIO, and former Chairman of GOPIO Media Council, Issac is engaged in strengthening the network of the organization across the globe while seeking to reposition the forum as a think tank and a mutual engagement platform between the NRIs and the government.
GOPIO was founded at the First Global Convention of People of Indian Origin in New York in 1989. The initial thrust of GOPIO was fighting human rights violation of people of Indian origin. Although this has been improved in the last one decade, human rights violations continue to be a major issue for People of Indian Origin (PIO) living outside India. GOPIO has now set its priorities in pooling our resources, both financial and professional, for the benefit of PIOs, the countries they come from and India.
Passion for Astrology and Vasthu .
To a questioning mind what Dr. Issac John has to do with Astrology and Vasthu, here comes the simple but beautiful answer. He has a deep passion for both the subjects. They are his hobbies, which he has been seriously pursuing for the past two decades. He considers himself a student of astrology and almost every day tries to enhance his understanding of the subject and consult with renowned experts.
Birth and Education .
Born in a well-known family, “Pattaniparambil” in Kayamkulam, Kerala, Issac is a long-time resident of Dubai where he lives with his wife Esther. He has two children: Dhanya and Dipin, and three grandchildren — Jayden Prince, Abigail Prince and Eliza Dipin. Dhanya is married to Jason Prince. Dipin is married to Sabeena Thomas.
The foundation for Dr. Issac’s future as a media and social figure was laid when he took a post-graduation in English Literature after graduating in Economics. An abiding interest in journalism had prompted him to attend a post-graduate diploma course in journalism from the Institute of Journalism, Trivandrum.
Awards/ Recognitions .
Awards and recognitions chased Issac who has written thousands of authentic articles and analytical reports. He has won over 45 national, regional and international accolades during his illustrious career.
These include the Pan Arab Media Quality Award; DSS Award for Best Creative Writing; GOPIO Media Community Service
Award; Excellence in International Business Journalism; Award for Services to the Community; Malaysian Business Media Award; Asian Achiever Award; SNC Roots India Award; Award of Appreciation from Dubai Electricity and Water Authority; KC Varghese Foundation Media Award; Elemec Award for Best Journalist; Pravasi Ratna Award for Journalism; Award of Appreciation from UAE Ministry of Finance and Industry; Best Media Personality Award; Malankara Syrian Church Illustrious Son Accolade; Award from the International Institute for Scientific and Academic Collaboration; Excellence in Global Business Journalism Award from World Malayalee Council in Cologne.